It can be said that From the highest address Come to the very low point in life He has a whole body problem and mind. It also has a style of play that it does not match with the new manager, such as Jermen Klapp, then called his status in the Liverpool Sbobet.
It can't be anything except the excess word, so the Red Swan team decided to release him for the Wessom team. With a loan contract for one season Calling that deal, it happened that there was almost no one to regret this player.
And more than that, Sturge went to give him the first match. He was already injured. Calling that time, the Red Swan should have been right. Until finally, his new team went to play in the filter immediately After that, Sterling
Came back to Anfield in a situation that had to say that almost nothing Both confidence, physical condition, including the future But who would believe that he came back again and then returned to greatness ever? Daniel Sturgei, the footballer of the Reds who predicted online Sbobet in this season.